xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date Night - Kyoto

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Date Night - Kyoto

Kushi Ebi Teriyaki
Kyoto has been around for a long time before either of us had even moved to Salt Lake. Sothea has been to Kyoto before and was never wowed by it. Som had never been before. So we both thought it would be a time to try it out... again.

We started off with the Kushi Ebi Teriyaki.  It was drenched in teriyaki sauce but it was delicious and we could have probably eaten another plate of it.  


Then we had the Dynamite.  It was good but lacking sauce. Shrimp - over-sauced. Dynamite - under-sauced.  Som loves a good dynamite and the best one was at Ginza.  We haven't found one that we liked as much as that one.

To drink, we ordered a bottle of sake.  We chose one that we thought we'd never had before but when it came out, we recognized the bottle. While we were in California, Sothea saw the Ginjo Sho Shiku Bai and bought it because the bottle was so cute. The bottle is probably the best thing about this sake.

We also ordered a couple of rolls.  One of them was the Green Eggs and Ham.  It has yellowtail, scallions, sprouts, cucumber topped with a wasabi tobiko and sriracha.  Som loves anything with sriracha.  In fact, he'll put sriracha on everything if he can.  This roll was fresh with just a little bit of a kick.

Green Eggs and Ham

The other roll was the Kinkaku which had spicy salmon and avocado topped with crab, habanero and masago.  Also a fairly decent and delicious roll.  The rolls were probably the best part of the meal.


We also ordered the Saba Shioyaki (mackerel).  We were not expecting it to be such a large portion. We both enjoy mackerel but four pieces seemed like way too much.  It was good though.  The tempura vegetables however were not.  They were cut so thin it seemed like we were eating more tempura batter than vegetable.

Saba Shioyaki
Food wise there were some hits and some misses but we'd definitely give it another try.  The service was amazing though.  Kudos to our server!

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