xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date Night - Repertory Dance Theatre

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Date Night - Repertory Dance Theatre

Patatas Bravas and Wine Flight
Last week, we were fortunate enough to win tickets to see Revere by Repertory Dance Theatre. We started off the date with dinner at Meditrina. We have posted about Meditrina before so we didn't want to say much but did want to post this picture of their Patatas Bravas.  Meditrina is still one of our favorite places in the city and we are excited to see how it'll be when they move to their new location on 900 South.


After dinner, we were off to the Rose Wagner Theatre to see Revere. The first half was the Suite from Mazurkas.  The Mazurkas was created in the honor of the people of Poland.  The choreographer, Jose Limon, created the work as a tribute to their heroic spirit. This was our least favorite performance out of the two.  The music was Chopin and the pianist did a beautiful job but the performance was just a little lackluster.      

The second half was Missa Brevis also choreographed by Jose Limon.  This performance was powerful and passionate.  It depicts an indomitable humanity rising after near destruction.  The piece is a memento to cities destroyed during World War II and to those unconquerable qualities in human beings that compels the spirit to rise up in hope and to survive.

Missa Brevis - Photo from rdtutah.org

The dancers did a beautiful job.  You could feel the emotions from them.  Behind the dancers was a choir and they also did a magnificent job.  The music only added to the passion of the piece.

We had a wonderful time.  Thank you Salt Lake Magazine for the tickets!

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