xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date Night - CPK and Margaret Cho

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Date Night - CPK and Margaret Cho

It has been a little bit since we've been to Wiseguys Comedy.  This was actually our first time going to the new location at the Gateway. We started off with dinner at California Pizza Kitchen which we also haven't been to in a long time.  It's not our favorite for pizza.  We are both a little partial to Settebello but CPK was good. Also it's right next to the new location of Wiseguy, very convenient.

We got to Wiseguys, found some seats and saw something that we found quite strange.  There was a group of two girls and four guys. One guy was taking pictures of the girls and two guys were holding their phones around the girls for better lighting.  Now that is taking your camera picture game to the next level. Seriously though, how many guys would actually do that?  It was probably more amusing than Margaret Cho's opening act who mostly talked about being short and weed.

We ordered drinks.  Som ordered a whiskey on the rocks and Sothea ordered a gin and tonic. We can't quite remember but did they have liquor at the West Valley location or was it just beer? Regardless is was nice to be able to order since the admission requires a purchase of a food or drink and we had just had dinner at CPK.

Margaret was exactly what we expected hilarious and raunchy.  A lot of it is probably not even appropriate to mention.  She joked about the ridiculous things you have to go through to get liquor in Utah.  She joked about Asians, racial tension, gays, Mormons; nothing was off limits and it was hilarious. Especially the Asian parts because it is so relatable.  She even went to a more serious side, speaking out about how she was abused at a younger age.  Even though she was able to joke about it but it was obvious that it did hurt her and affect her greatly.  Maybe it's her way of dealing with it.

Overall, it was a great show.  Larry and Rachael who doubled with us didn't know much about her but thought she was hilarious.  Good times!

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