xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Get Together For Som's Birthday

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Get Together For Som's Birthday

We've been through quite a lot the last few months so I wanted to get some great food together and good friends together for Som's birthday.  Som loves the Baked Gouda Mac n Cheese that I make so he wanted that.  I decided to try to make them bite sized. They were a hit and people have been asking me for the recipe.

Find the recipe here.

I also made chicken lollipops.  I bought the wing party pack at Costco and wanted to use the wingette part too.  I watched YouTube videos on how to also make the wingette part into a lollipop.  It was a slow process and I'll never do it again.  I'll stick with the drummette part.  It was also a success.

The marinade for the chicken was simple.

½ cup ketchup
¼ cup hoisin
¼ cup low sodium soy sauce
¼ sugar
2 Tbsp. garlic powder
4 garlic cloves chopped

Mix it all together, pour over chicken, and let it marinate over night.

I also made crostinis.  One had goat cheese and prosciutto.  The other had goat cheese and caramelized mushrooms.

Below is salami, mozzarella and tomatoes on a toothpick.  So simple yet so delicious. 

I also made bacon wrapped dates and kielbasa but I didn't get a picture of either of those.  Usually I get pictures of everything!  I must have been running around so much that it slipped my mind.

The party was a huge success!

From the inspiring chef/party planner

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