xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date Night - Valentine's at Finca

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Date Night - Valentine's at Finca

We have a tradition that we started a few years ago, where we have a nice dinner and pairing with two of our best friends for Valentine's.  First year, we did a pairing at Naked Fish and last year we went to a wine dinner at Harmon's hosted by the wonderful Sheral Schowe.  This year, we decided on a wine pairing at Finca.

They sat us at this tiny round table that barely fit all our food and wine.  We thought it was strange that we were sat there but yet they sat groups of two or three people at booths which would have accommodated us perfectly.  It's a good thing that we are comfortable with each other.

It was a 6 course meal with 5 pairings.  The first pairing was an ensalada with artichoke hearts, mahon cheese, marcona almonds and a vinaigrette.  Lourie was in love with the cheese.  She tried to steal Sothear's.  The salad was paired with a Slow Waltz Cocktail which had gin, cava, orange and plum bitters with a black mission fig.  The drink was very tasty and we may just have to go out and get some bitters to make it at home.

Alcachofas paired with the Sloe Waltz Cocktail

The next course was a choice between three different tapas.  Two of us ordered the oysters and two of us ordered the pork belly. Oysters came with lime and mignonette on top.  We think the best places for oysters make a really delicious mignonette to accompany the oyster and this is one of those places.  Som said that this was the best oysters he has ever had.  

Ostras paired with Astobiza Hondurrabi Zuri, Txakoli

Next we all had a little cheese plate.  None of us has had cheese with pineapple jam and we all loved it so much.  The pairing... not so much.  The ladies gave their ciders to the men to finish. 

Spanish Cheese and Pineapple Jam paired with Castanon Sidra (cider)

For the entrees there were four to choose from.  Everyone but Sothea ordered the steak.  Sothea ordered the duck.  Sadly the entrees were probably our least favorite part of the meal and we really didn't get a good picture of them either.  Although, the wine that paired with the steak and duck were very good.  Probably our favorite wines of the night.  

For dessert, we all ordered the Creme Caramel.  It was paired with a nice dessert wine.  

Creme Caramel paired with Rare Wine Co Madeira

It was a very nice evening with amazing friends and we hope that the tradition continues.

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