xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date Night - Bambara

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Date Night - Bambara

We love Hotel Monaco.  We love Bambara. In fact our favorite place for a staycation is at Hotel Monaco.

Once a month, we celebrate our anniversary.  We pick a nice place to have dinner.  Half the time, it's Takashi.   This past month, we decided to go to Bambara.  We have been here many times and we could tell you many great things to get but the menu item to die for is the Bone Marrow. Bone marrow is one of those things that people are iffy about trying but once you've had it, you love it and you know all the places to go get it.  Well for all you bone marrow lovers out there, this is the best one.  It comes with a side of tomato short rib marmalade that compliments the bone marrow perfectly.  We could have eaten plates and plates of this!

Bone Marrow

Som ordered the Pork Shank.  It was plated over a sweet potato mash with a fried egg and pork cracklin' on top.  The meat was tender, succulent, and delicious.  Any meaty dish on the menu, they will cook to perfection.

Pork Shank

Sothea ordered the Duck Confit Carbonara.  All those words together sounded like it would be a magnificent dish.  It was okay.  It was a large amount of food.  Which is another thing people might like about Bambara, they don't skimp out on the amount of food. Anyways, there was so much that we had to box this up and take it home.  It was actually better the next day.  It would make a great hangover dish.

Duck Confit Carbonara
For dessert, we ordered the Deconstructed Tiramisu.  Whoever the pastry chef is at Bambara, we love you.  Some of the best desserts we ever had was at Bambara and this tiramisu did not disappoint. Seriously, who have ever you are (we are assuming your name is Rebecca because of the menu) you have raised the bar on desserts.  

Deconstructed Tiramisu
French 75 and Yamazaki

Oh we did also order drinks, our usually, French 75 and a whiskey.  Word of advice, don't order the Japanese whiskey.  It was 7 dollars more here than it is anywhere else.  


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