xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date Night - Meditrina

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Date Night - Meditrina

Chorizo Crusted Shrimp
Meditrina is a restaurant featuring small plates and wine. It's located at about 1400 S West Temple. It's in sort of an odd location and that makes us wonder if that's why it is never super busy when we go.  Eva's, located downtown also features small plates and it seems like it's always busy yet the food isn't as good as Meditrina.  Anyways, we follow Meditrina on Instagram and they posted this amazing picture of Chorizo Crusted Shrimp that was on their specials for the evening.  We had to go try it and it did not disappoint.  It was absolutely delicious.  We even thought about getting another plate!     

We also ordered the Ahi Tuna Nachos which we order every time we go because it's just this perfect delicious bite of Ahi and we tried the octopus which was also delicious.  

For dessert, there was a panna cotta on the specials for the night.  Best panna cotta, hands down that we have ever had was from Meditrina.  This was when we had a private dinner for Som's birthday a few years back.  Second best panna cotta we've ever had, this one below.  It was a green tea panna cotta.  If they have panna cotta on the menu, get it!  It's very tempting to order the drunken oreos but their panna cotta is not to be missed.

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