xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date Night - Oak Wood Fire Kitchen

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Date Night - Oak Wood Fire Kitchen

Oak Bread
Sometimes, we make it down south too.  Unless we are visiting family in Provo, we usually don't make it past 10600 South.  We do have friends that live in Lehi so we met them and another couple at Oak Wood Fire Kitchen.  It was a Saturday night and it was super early as in the time that elderly people have dinner.  (We are elderly and enjoying having early dinners from time to time!)   The place was already packed and there was two big groups waiting in front of us.  The other two couples were running late so we decided to stay. It must have been too long for one group because they decided to leave.  Yeah for us! It decreased our wait time by a lot.

When we were sat, the manager brought us out the Oak Bread which is topped with Parmesan, rosemary, garlic oil and black pepper.  He apologized for the wait.   Honestly, we didn't even think it was that long.  We've waited way longer at other places but we did appreciate the gesture.

Our waiter was super friendly and kept calling Sothea, honey.  He did a really good job.

We decided to get a few appetizers to start off with and share.  Gina suggested the Sriracha-Honey Wings.  They were delicious and probably the best thing we at that night.  Sothea even tried making her own version a few days later.

Sriracha-Honey Wings
We also shared the Junk Fries which is topped with bacon, blue cheese crumbles, and caramelized onions.  It was also good.  Goes great with beer!

Junk Fries
Per suggestion of our waiter we ordered the Wild Mushroom Pizza.   We love goat cheese, mushrooms and caramelized onions together.  He did not steer us wrong.

Wild Mushroom Pizza
Everything we had was good, the service was great.  We'd definitely go back.  If it was closer we'd probably just order a bunch of Sriracha-Honey wings to go!

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