xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date - Brunch at Avenues Bistro On Third

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Date - Brunch at Avenues Bistro On Third

A few post back, we went to Avenues Proper.  We tried to use a gift certificate there but as it turns out it wasn't even for Avenues Proper.  It was for Avenues Bistro On Third.  The certificate read Avenues in big letters and we assumed it was Avenues Proper. We didn't realize that there was another place called Avenues.  So you know, we had to go try it out.

It's a cute, quaint place.  We sat in front by the window and it was surprisingly warm and cozy.

Som had the Octopus and Grits.  It looks magnificent and it tasted even better.

Sothea had the Sardines which was toast, arugula salad, sardines and a hardboiled egg.  It wasn't anything spectacular like the Octopus and Grits but it wasn't bad either.  The sardines were cooked perfectly. 

We were actually glad that we came across this place by accident.  It was cozy and we'd definitely go back for the Octopus and Grits

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