xmlns:og='http://ogp.me/ns#'> A Modern Gentleman and Lady: Date Night - Naked Fish

Friday, June 3, 2016

Date Night - Naked Fish

We love Naked Fish. We've been there for Valentine's for a sake and food pairing. We've done the Omakase.  It is just one of those places that just keeps getting better and better.  Sothea started off with a Prosecco and Som ordered their Taketsuru Old Fashioned.  He absolutely loved it.  He thought it was the best Old Fashioned that he's ever had.  It was just something about the Taketsuru that added something special.

We started off with a mackeral sashimi that was on their specials.  Their fish is always so light and fresh.  It's lovely.  This mackeral was less mackeral tasting and cleaner.  Delicious!

Then we ordered their Kushiyaki.  We started off with the chicken oysters, scallops, and mushrooms. The Kushiyaki is our favorite things to eat here.  We just kept ordering more and more.  We could eat a whole plate of the mushrooms.  And the scallops were perfectly cooked.

We also ordered rolls.  The rolls are good.  We could have probably gone without them because seriously the Kushiyaki is what we come for.

We ended our meal with a few pieces of Nigri.  It was a perfect, light way to end it.

Naked Fish is one of our favorite restaurants in Salt Lake.  A must try!

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